“This is a great experience if you are considering the counseling field as a career choice. You learn everything regarding the role of the counselor, as well as how to work with children, adolescents and parents effectively.”
Watch this video BELOW to learn more:
Outreach Concern offers approximately 250 internship positions per year. They are available to Master's and Doctoral students seeking real-world experience. Majors include Psychology, Counseling, Pupil Personnel Services (PPS), Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT), Child/Adolescent Development, MSW, Sociology and Human Services. An internship with Outreach Concern requires a minimum of two days a week (approximately 15 hours) for the academic school year.
As an Outreach Concern intern-counselor, you will handle diverse caseloads interacting with students, teachers and parents in a school setting. You may be assigned to work with students in an elementary, middle or high school where you will encounter a wide range of emotional, social or behavioral issues. Your goal is to help students overcome these issues so they can focus on learning and achieving their personal success both in and outside the classroom. Prior interns report that real-world fieldwork is the most valuable way to prepare for a professional career.
Initial 2-day training program includes interviewing and counseling procedures; child abuse and suicide prevention training; child development, parenting and adolescent issues and intervention techniques.
A 3rd and 4th day of advanced training mid-year.
Experience in cognitive/behavioral/crisis interventions, family system dynamics, educational issues, case management, laws and ethics and clinical presentations.
Intensive clinical supervision, paid malpractice insurance and extensive training from a variety of specialists.
Regular meetings with your Regional Field Supervisor plus on-going direction and support from our Clinical Director, a professional with more than 40 years of private practice and supervisory experience.
Weekly meetings with a Clinical Supervisor, who reviews all cases and provides supervision and direction.
It’s been said, “there’s no such thing as too much training!”. In every field, there are challenges that demand constant and ongoing development of our skills. The mental health field is no exception. In keeping with that belief, Outreach Concern wants its interns and colleagues to have access to various ideas, theories and interventions that will support their ongoing development. Besides the training and development opportunities we provide interns throughout the year, we would suggest referencing the various workshops and training sites we’ve provided to support your development. Some may have relevance to your current internship, many will support your ongoing development throughout your career.
Letter From Our Director
Dear Potential Colleague,
How serious are you about your career? Have you really thought about what you want to do? How much income you'll need? Will you be bored with your choice later? All good questions, but what are you doing about it right now? Yes, you're attending school -- obviously the first step. You may be completing an undergraduate degree, in the middle of a master's, or contemplating working on your doctorate, but what about that job? Today and every day that follows, the competition for a good job is the toughest it's ever been and it's only going to get more difficult in the future.
Certainly the first thing an employer looks at is education. Do you have a degree? There was a time when that's about all you needed to land a good position; however, today, it's different, education just says you're qualified. In fact, most job descriptions identify education as a minimum requirement. Today, employers want to know what else you bring them, and that's all about experience.
That high GPA that you maintained throughout school may have gotten you a scholarship or helped you get into graduate school. Today's employer isn't interested in grades, frankly, they assume that if you graduated from college, you're intelligent and you've done the basics. That alone is not enough. What else do you bring with you? What skills, talent, and experience do you have that will separate you from the competition?
Today's competition is tough, so what separates you from the competition is experience, but how do you get it? Certainly few employers will hire you with education alone, and here's the dilemma, you can't get a good job without experience and you can't get experience without a job. The answer: an internship, but not just any internship. In the human service field, an employer isn't going to be satisfied that you worked for a counseling agency, or county facility and shuffled papers. You need to impress a potential employer with what you've been exposed to, what you learned, and what you've accomplished. The more diverse the experience, the more you'll have to offer and the better your opportunity to land the job.
So as an employer, let me introduce you to the most diverse human service opportunity you can experience -- an internship with Outreach Concern, Inc. With Outreach Concern, you will receive training, weekly group and individual supervision by leading experts, and hands on experience working with a diverse caseload. Additionally, you'll liaison with school administrators, principals, teachers, county agencies, and a variety of experts in the counseling profession. You'll encounter experiences that private practitioners and community agencies have every day and learn to be comfortable and confident in dealing with them.
Nine months with Outreach Concern and you will have amassed experience with children, adolescents, parents, and families. Working in a primary or secondary school environment, you'll provide direct counseling services to a highly diverse population and deal with academic, social, and emotional disorders, divorce, remarriage, child abuse, and various other issues you've studied while in school. You'll augment your education by receiving training and clinical supervision that is unsurpassed in any agency, public or private. Your experience can change your life, assist you in getting into graduate school, gain hours towards licensure and raise your confidence and self-esteem. But, most importantly, you'll have something valuable to sell to an employer who'll be impressed with your skills.
Here's the bad news; you won't get paid! Our program is voluntary; we don't pay our interns. We provide training, supervision, and other support services, but no financial compensation. If you're wondering why you should come to Outreach Concern and invest a year of your life without financial compensation, the best reason is our history. Over the past 30 years, more than 10,000 graduates, and doctoral students have realized the value of this experience. They were willing to make an investment in their future that paid off.
If you're interested in a career in the human service profession, willing to invest the time in order to get the best training, supervision, and experience available, and become the most marketable commodity to a potential employer, contact us. It's just possible that you may qualify to be one of the 200 interns we hire each year. But only do so if you're willing to invest in your future... we already know, we are.
Rick Capaldi, Ph.D., M.F.T.
Executive/Clinical Director
“This is a great experience if you are considering the counseling field as a career choice. You learn everything regarding the role of the counselor, as well as how to work with children, adolescents and parents effectively.”
“Outreach Concern is an extraordinary agency to work for. The training, supervision and workshops are excellent. There is an abundance of school placements to choose from and the faculty and students at the schools are wonderful to work with.”
“Outreach Concern has provided me with excellent support and guidance and invaluable experience working in a clinical setting with children and families. The combination of these experiences and the opportunity to work with a knowledgeable staff has provided me with a vital background for my future. I highly recommend Outreach Concern.”
“This internship was an amazing opportunity that I recommend to all students. I gained an incredible amount of experience and knowledge that will continue to be useful for my future.”
“Outreach Concern has provided me the opportunity to work with children and their families. The structure and role modeling provided by this organization has created a firm foundation for the work I am passionate about.”